At home and at work we are running Zabbix for monitoring, for alerting I use Pushover. There are some scripts that have Zabbix and Pushover integration on, but none of them have priority support and have inline image for Pushover.
On my GitHub you can find a alertscript for Zabbix and Pushover. Pushover has also a dark theme, but the Zabbix graphs are still light. So there is an option in the script to invert the graphs. So it wont hurt your eyes so much at night when you have oncall.
cli usage 'Pushover_Userkey|Pushover_apptoken' 'subject' 'message'
Download or Clone the from my GitHub and copy it to the AlertScriptsPath from /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf
Adjust the following configs in the script
# Zabbix address
# Zabbix credentials to login
Optional adjust the following
# Image time and size
# invert image, better for black theme pushover and better for your eyes at night.
Configure Actions
Under configuration -> actions in Zabbix create or change the notification messages to the following. The subject wil be used for the Pushover Priority. These Priority levels can be adjusted if needed in the bash script. Item Graphic will be used to extract an image from Zabbix en added to the Pushover message.
Default subject:
Default message:
Hostname: {HOSTNAME}
Problem: {TRIGGER.NAME}:
Problem started at {EVENT.TIME} on {EVENT.DATE}
Last tested value: {{HOSTNAME}:{TRIGGER.KEY}.last(0)}
Item values: {ITEM.NAME1} ({HOST.NAME1}): {ITEM.VALUE1}
Item Graphic: [{ITEM.ID1}]
Recovery operations
Default subject:
Resolved: {EVENT.NAME}
Default message:
Hostname: {HOSTNAME}
Problem name: {EVENT.NAME}
Problem status: {STATUS}
Last tested value: {{HOSTNAME}:{TRIGGER.KEY}.last(0)}
Item values: {ITEM.NAME1} ({HOST.NAME1}): {ITEM.VALUE1}
Update operations
Default subject:
Updated problem: {EVENT.NAME}
Default message:
Current problem status is {EVENT.STATUS}, acknowledged: {EVENT.ACK.STATUS}.
Configure media type
Under Administration -> Media in Zabbix add a new media. Specify the name of the script in script name and check that the parameters are correct.
Configure user media
You will need then to add the media to your users. For this just edit an user and add a media selecting the one you just created before. Specify the UserKey and AppToken in the Send to field, separated by a | .