Zabbix Pushover Alert script

At home and at work we are running Zabbix for monitoring, for alerting I use Pushover. There are some scripts that have Zabbix and Pushover integration on, but none of them have priority support and have inline image for Pushover. On my GitHub you can find a alertscript for Zabbix and Pushover. Pushover has also a dark theme, but the Zabbix graphs are still light. So there is an option in the script to invert the graphs....

May 14, 2019 · Dennis Kruyt

DarkSome theme switcher for macOS

Apple’s new macOS 10.14 codename Mojave has a nice dark theme, but to change it you need to go click trough multiple screens to change the theme. To switch fast and simple I created a Menu Bar App for this. It does exactly what you see below with a mouse click. To switch theme, click left, to exit click right on the moon/sun icon. The source code you can find on my GitHub page, the app it self DarkSome you can download it below....

September 6, 2018 · Dennis Kruyt